posted by admin on Mar 2

On another blog, the question was asked, “Can Someone Give Me a Straight Answer About Christian Speculative Fiction?!”

The question was related to publishing houses desire for speculative fiction works. Here was my two-cents:

Speculative covers so many things. You are correct, supernatural is the hot thing. Really not my cup of tea, but it is what it is and the facts are the facts. Unless the main genre is romantic and some speculative element is the sub, then you have a shot at getting published. Straight action adventure that uses as its main vehicle, science fiction elements, techno-thrillers, and others do not meet with a great reception from agents and publishers. Mainly because they don’t see the demand for it, yet, Christians have flocked to movies such as Prometheus, Star Wars, Alien, Star Trek and others so there is an interest. We put up with the objectionable material to see the elements that interest us. I think there is a market for edgy Christian Speculative in that sphere if the action and story are there. As I once heard in a movie, “What I believe”


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